Explaining Natural Wine to Your Mother

How to Explain Natural Wine to the Mom in Your Life

Posted by Holly Berrigan on

Mother's Day is just around the corner, and it's a time filled with anticipation and joy, especially this year. As many of you know, I've recently entered into the wonderful world of motherhood. This new chapter has not only deepened my love for our community but has also given a new layer of meaning to Mother's Day for me.

I've had several of you reach out about the best way to share our love for natural wines with your moms (and yes, we've put together a special Mother's Day Wine Box for that very reason!). It's the perfect occasion to introduce them to the wines we cherish—much like I did with my own mom, a steadfast New Zealand Sauvignon Blanc enthusiast.

Sharing Natural Wine with Our Moms: A Heartfelt Guide

Natural wine might seem a bit unconventional at first, especially for those who have their favorite go-to wines. Whether it’s a rich Napa Cabernet or a crisp Sauvignon Blanc, introducing natural wines offers a refreshing twist.

mothers day natural wine family

Here’s a simple guide on how to share your passion for natural wines with your mom:

  1. Set the Stage: Always begin with what matters most—whether you enjoy what you’re drinking. It’s about sharing joy and comfort, setting a positive tone without any pressure.

  2. Highlight Health & Environmental Benefits: Start the conversation with the benefits of natural wines. They’re free from pesticides and have fewer sulfites, appealing to anyone who prefers an organic lifestyle.

  3. Emphasize the Differences: Natural wines are vibrant and living, reflecting the unique characteristics of their vintage and terroir. They’re a journey of discovery in every glass.

  4. Share Stories & Scarcity: Each bottle of natural wine comes from small, passionate producers who often have unique tales to tell. The limited quantities make each sip a special experience.

  5. Be Prepared with Wine: Nothing beats experiencing wine together. Have a bottle of your favorite natural wine ready to open, making the introduction both educational and enjoyable.

The Best Gifts for Mom: Celebrate with Our Women Winemakers Sampler Pack

Choosing the right gift for Mother’s Day can be a heartfelt puzzle. You want something personal, meaningful, and enjoyable. This year, we've crafted a special way to honor the incredible women in our lives with an exclusive Mother's Day gift that supports women across the wine industry.

Women Winemakers Sampler Pack

We are thrilled to introduce our Women Winemakers Sampler Pack, specially curated to celebrate and support the talented women who craft these exceptional wines. Each wine in this collection is produced by pioneering women winemakers who are shaping the future of natural wine with their dedication, expertise, and passion.

By choosing this sampler pack, you’re not only giving a gift that your mom will love, but you’re also supporting a woman-owned business—MYSA Natural Wine—and championing women winemakers around the world. It's a beautiful synergy that mirrors the nurturing spirit of Mother's Day.

Bottom Line

This Mother’s Day, more than ever, feels like a celebration of new beginnings and enduring bonds. Becoming a mother has only heightened my appreciation for all the nurturing women in our lives who support and inspire us daily.

So, whether you’re exploring new wines or revisiting old favorites with your mom, remember that the best part is simply being together, sharing stories and creating memories.

To all the moms in our MYSA community and beyond, I wish you a heartfelt Happy Mother's Day. Thank you for your constant support and for joining us on this incredible journey of wine discovery. Here’s to many more shared moments and cherished memories!

With love and gratitude,

Holly, MYSA Founder and her daughter

Holly Berrigan
Founder of MYSA Natural Wine, WSET Level 3 certified, and a proud new mom.

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  • Thanks for the shout out! I love the way you wrote an article to teach us moms about natural wine. They will need those talking points for sure. You both have a clever way of writing that is catchy and informative in a fun way! Love ya’ll!!

    Melanie Sauls on

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